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Re: Passing parameters to TraProgram in Delphi

edited July 2005 in RAP
Here is my application structure:

==> Database (Paradox / SQLServer) **
==> Report templates ***

* : I have RAP custom functions defined in the main application.
** : The report SQL statements, the reports parameters definitions are
stored in the database.

*** : Due to performances issues on a few reports, I had to replace RAP
event-handler by Delphi event-handler (it's supposed to be faster) and put
these reports in dynamically-loaded runtime packages. It gives me the
modularity I needed for my application.

In run-time, I can access my RAP custom functions in the RAP Calc Editor,
but not directly in Delphi editor. Example :

In my reports, I have "built-in WHERE", which contains hard-coded WHERE
conditions that must absolutely be passed in the SQL statement. I also have
a function for Parameters Mappings, which contain the mappings between
TppParameters and database fields. These functions didn't have any
parameters, so it worked perfectly.


raBuiltInWHERE := Report.CodeModule.FindGlobalProgram('BuiltInWHERE');
if raBuiltInWHERE <> nil then
strSQLStatement := strSQLStatement + strWHERE +


My problem is that I have some functions that need to be called from Delphi
and I must be able to pass parameters to that function. I hope my
explanations are clear enough.



  • edited July 2005

    The approach I would try is to create some global Delphi functions that you
    can call from your Delphi code. Then create RAP pass-thru functions that
    call those same functions. That way you can call the same functions from
    native Delphi or RAP code.

    The RAP built-in functions that appear in the Code toolbox work in this a
    manner. They are RAP functions that internally call Delphi functions.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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