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Abstract error when using IsNull

edited July 2005 in RAP

I have a custom datapipeline developed for quantum grid. When I'm trying
to use pipeline.FieldObjects['fieldname']IsNull I'm getting an abstract
error. It seems that there is something missing with the pipeline. I
looked thru the newsgroup and docs but couldn't find a solution. Any
help appreciated.

Best regards
Bora Aydemir


  • edited July 2005

    An 'abstract' error means that your descendant class does not implement one
    or more 'abstract' methods declared in an ancestor class.

    The TppDataPipeline and TppCustomDataPipeline classes are ancestors declared
    in ppDB.pas. That's where you need to look. I see many abstract methods
    declared there, including one called GetFieldIsNull

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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