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Browsing Preview gives wrong calculated value

edited August 2005 in RAP

I have a problem with the following:

Report - Subreport - Group (With reprint Group Headers on subsequent pages

if i put a variable in the group header, with in the oncalc event i.e. the
following code:

Value:='Page '+ IntToStr(Report.PageNo);

The Value is not recalculated when browsing forward and backward in the
print preview.
After browsing, even the finally printed report is wrong.

This problem seems to occur in more places, with variables with code in the
'OnCalc' event.

Thanks and best regards,

Jeroen Koot


  • edited August 2005
    Hi Jeroen,

    How is the value incorrect (i.e. does it show the wrong page number?). Try
    setting the Report.CachePages property to True and see if that helps. Also,
    you can try using a TppSystemVariable set to Page Desc to show the page
    number automatically without calculations.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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