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Assign event on Run time

edited September 2005 in RAP

I want to assign to a pipeline event a procedure declared in
Global\Programs of the code explorer.
So in the GLobal Variables Declarations, If I get MYPIPELINE.ONTRAVERSAL
:= Nil, there is no problem.
If I create a Procedure OnMyTraversal(Sender : TObject) Begin ... End (In
Global\Programs), always no Problem.
But MYPIPELINE.ONTRAVERSAL := OnMyTraversal gives the error : "undeclared
label OnMyTraversal".
What place can i put this line to work ?

Thanks for your answer.


  • edited September 2005

    RAP does not currently support DataPipeline events.

    Can you provide more details about what are you trying to accomplish?
    Perhaps there is an alternative approach.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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