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Is it possible to determine DBRichtext height at runtime

edited September 2005 in RAP
Is it possible to determine the DbRichtext component height at runtime after
it has been populated.

We need to set visibility on or off on a supplemental page based on whether
the height when stretched reaches a critical point where it overruns into
another section of the page.

Thank you.


  • edited September 2005
    Let me followup a bit that we have tried DbRichText.Height and always
    receive a zero value.

    Bill Brittain

  • edited September 2005
    Hi Bill,

    Unfortunately there are no events that fire late enough to determine the
    calculated height of a DBRichText component. I would recommend creating a
    pass-thru function and either passing the entire DBRichText object to this
    routine. There, knowing the width of the control you could calculate the
    projected height based on the font size of the contained text.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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