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Rename component

edited September 2005 in RAP

After renaming a component I realized that it was used in RAP (-
in *i don't know how many* reports/functions.
I would need:

1. a way to tell rap that it should ignore RTTI and when he sees
TILOracleQuery class he must understand TILOracleQueryOuv

2. a way to search and replace in rap code for all reports..

Do I have any chances ??

(or I need to

3. manually fix all reference in rap code ???

*many* thanks in advance for any help!



  • edited September 2005

    I do not understand this question. You can create a RAP RTTI class that
    describes any class.

    This example shows how to iterate over the RAP programs associated with
    Report's TraCodeModule.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2005
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ha scritto:
    I created a weird situation:
    in Delphi I have both classes: TILOracleQuery and TILOracleQueryOuv
    In RAP code I used (before creating the latter class) declaration of
    Now I would like to redirect all these references to TILOracleQueryOuv
    without change rap code, but RAP still sees the old class.
    This is logical, the mistake was mine.
    Thanks for the example
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