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Set Report Parameters Value in RAP

edited October 2005 in RAP

In the RAP Calc Editor, I have this bit of code :

Report.Parameters['DateDebut'] := dtStartDate; // Holds a DateTime value
Report.Parameters['DateFin'] := dtEndDate; // Holds a DateTime value

I know that my dtStartDate and dtEndDate are non-zero, but when I try to
read them from Delphi using ppReport.Parameters['DateDebut'].Value or
AsString, it returns the wrong date "1899-12-30". Is it possible to set the
Report's Parameters in RAP or they are read-only ?



  • edited October 2005

    That syntax provides read-only access to the values. To set a value use the

    Report.Parameters.Items['paramName'].Value := CurrentDate;

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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