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Replace text manually RichText

edited November 2005 in RAP

I'm using RichText with MailMerge option. The whole idea is to make it
possible for the user to print Contracts using RB.
The contracts are previously typed in rtf format in external files. Then
RB loads the file (according to the type of the contract). Obviously some
substitution are necessary. Most of these substitutions can be made based on
pipeline data. But some fields must be substituted by calculated fields.
These calculated fields I wish to calculate via RAP. Is there a way to do

Thank you and regards
Ricardo Acras


  • edited November 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    In order to manually edit the RichText text, you will need to use the
    RichText properties such as SelText, SelStart, SelLength, and SelAttrubutes.
    All of these properties are included in RAP and enable you to edit and
    format RichText text without having to add special characters and tags. See
    the TppRichText topic in the RB Help file for more information.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    > Hi Ricardo,

    Hi Nico,

    Solved the problem. Thank you very much.

    I know this is not a big issue, but could puzzle somebody as puzzled me
    for a couple of seconds :-), in the RB help for TTextAttributs, I found the
    following text:

    "Runtime only. SelAttributes is a TTextAttributes object that describes the
    rich text characteristics of the selected text in the rich edit
    control.Please refer to Delphi Help for more info on TParaAttributes."

    For a momment I was confused about it, then I realize that it was, perhaps,
    just a Ctrl-C Ctrl-V problem. :-) Sorry if I'm wrong.

  • edited November 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    Thanks, I will look into this.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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