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Inaccessible value in a function

edited September 2006 in RAP
I wrote some delphi functions to be called inside a report,
one works but the other raise an AV

In the OnGetText of a variable i call this function and it works

Text := GetAgente(Master['IdSoggetto']);

procedure TGetAgente.ExecuteFunction(aParams: TraParamList);
IdAgente: String;
IdAgente := '';
GetParamValue(0, IdAgente);

in another variable, in OnGetText event i call

Text := GetCliente(Master['IdSoggetto']);

notice the same parameter above

procedure TGetCliente.ExecuteFunction(aParams: TraParamList);
IdCliente: String;
IdCliente := '';
GetParamValue(0, IdCliente);

the problem is that after GetParamValue, the variable IdClient is
Inaccessible value.
I can't see what i'm wrong

D7 / RB 10.02


  • edited September 2006
    I suspect the eror is elsewhere - you did no post the entire source code the
    custom functions. Compare the signature of the functions, perhaps that can
    provide an answer. Also, make sure that the datapipeline is not returning a
    null value.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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