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Exposed TeeChart

edited October 2006 in RAP
I was wondering if anyone has written a project which exposes the TeeChart
properties through RAP so that you can add series to a pie chart at runtime
in the RB Ent Designer? Would you be willing to share your project with

The problem is that the end-user cannot add series to a DBPieChart based
on multiple values from a 'single record', so you have to come up with
alternate methods..

For example, you have many food records, each with Carbs, Protein and Fat.
In Report Builder Ent, the user, at run time in the Report Designer, cannot
drop a dbChart on their report and plot those three items from single
records into a dbPieChart. The user wants to see a pie for one food,
consisting of three slices, one for Carbs, one for Protein and one for Fat.
Instead, the dbPieChart plots single values from all records, which is not
very useful, and there is no option to pick 'Single Record' like there is
for the bar charts..

Has anyone done this using the RAP passthrough functions etc.. ?




  • edited December 2006
    an idea is to build an datasource on the data tab, so you make a sql
    satement with the build in function (Group, Sum and so on) to get that, what
    you need and then assign this datasource to the DbChart.


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