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edited January 2007 in RAP
I am trying to create tax breakouts with wich the users can create their own
tax calculations. I need to be able to run a calculation such as ((100 +
(100 * 0.0533)) * .035) but not hard coded into a report component. I need
to be able to take the calculation, entered by the user into a character
field in the DB, and set that as the calculation of a variable, then run the
report to return the result of the calculation. Basically is there any way
to set the calculation of a variable component from code? I went to look at
the source code of the rap modules and realized that they are not provided
as part of the full source code.

Thanks All,


  • edited January 2007

    Here is an example of programmatically creating a Variable OnCalc
    event-handler for RAP.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2007
    That was EXACTLY what I was looking for!!!

    Thank You!
    Branden Johnson
    Integrity Software Design

  • edited January 2007
    I have the following code, its not the complete code, just a section of what
    I did from the example you provided:

    lNewEventHandler := lCodeModule.CreateEventHandler(ppVarCalc, 'OnCalc');

    {set BodyText to modify the code between the begin..end}
    lNewEventHandler.BodyText := 'Value := ' + sTaxCalc + ';';

    In this code, ppVarCalc is a variable compnent on the header band of the
    report. sTaxCalc is a variable holding the calculation entered by the user
    (i.e. ((100 + (100 * 0.0533)) * .035)).
    I have no problems with the code, I just need to know what to do from this
    point to get the result of the calculation entered...

    Thanks All

    Branden Johnson
    Integrity Software Design

  • edited February 2007
    Also, how could I compile the code and determine if the code compiled
    correctly, and display the error message if it did not?

    Thanks All

    Branden Johnson
    Integrity Software Design

  • edited February 2007
    When the report runs, each time the Variable generates on the page, its
    OnCalc event-handler will fire and the calculation will be stored to the
    Variable.Value and rendered to the output.

    I do not understand the question.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2007
    I am not trying to actually run the report, just use it to get the result of
    the calculation input by the user. If I could get the calculation to fire
    and retrieve the value from code, without running the report, it would be a
    major plus! Right now I am running that report and saving to a text file
    and am setting a global variable, in code not in report, to the calcs value
    in a on get text event for the variable.

    Thank Nard,
    Branden Johnson
  • edited February 2007
    - to compile a RAP program try...

    lbCompiled := myProgram.Compile(False, False);

    - the Program class a couple of public properties for syntax errors.

    property SyntaxErrors[Index: Integer]: TraSyntaxError read
    property SyntaxErrorCount: Integer read GetSyntaxErrorCount;

    - the TraSyntaxError class some public properties containing the location
    of the error and the message.

    property CharPos: Integer read FCharPos write FCharPos;
    property LineNo: Integer read FLineNo write FLineNo;
    property Msg: String read FMsg write FMsg;

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2007
    Thank You Nard!

  • edited February 2007

    RAP was not designed to be used without running the report. A Variable
    OnCalc event-handler typically fires when the report is generating.

    That being said, I was able to create an example that you can download. The
    example shows how to create and execute a RAP global function that adds two
    numbers and returns the result.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2007
    Thaks Nard,

    That was also exactly what I was looking for. The intricacies and
    abilities of Report Builder never cease to amaze me. You have an incredible
    product and impeccable support!

    Thanks Again,
    Branden Johnson
    Integrity Software Design

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