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Is it possible to vertical align the text in a memo?

edited March 2007 in RAP
I haven't found any such settings...



  • edited March 2007

    perhaps the follwoing helps a bit:

    On Label or DbText elements i do not know such option, but you can do the
    Put your labels in an region. The region has "ShiftRelativeTo"... and you
    can take a upper straching element for shifting. So you can build a vertical
    chain with all such elements or as an alternatvie to a region, take a memo
    instead of a label. The memo has this property also.
    Remember, in the "position..:" from the right mouse menu of the streching
    element you have an option to set the "Overflow offset". Because all
    elements of your chain will snap directly with no vertical space together i
    use mostly that option to give some extra space.

    best regards
    chris (EULANDA)

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