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How Can I know if the detail band is the last one of the page

edited March 2007 in RAP
I want do design a report where there is an outline around the entire
area used by the detail bands.

To be able to print the bottom line of the outline, I have a line
defined at the bottom of the detail band and I want to print it (Visible
= True) only when the detail band being printed is the last one of the

How can I do this?
Is there another way to acomplish the same thing?



  • edited March 2007

    Here is a Delphi code example of how to do this..


    You will probably need to add some custom pass-thru functions to implement
    it in RAP, see tech tip below.

    Article: Extending RAP

    There are two very simple and powerful techniques to extend the capabilities
    of RAP infinitely. These are summarized below and covered in more detail in
    the RAP.hlp online help. Demos and tutorials are installed to
    RBuilder\Demos\RAP. The tutorial text is located in RAP.hlp.

    1. RAP Pass-Through Functions

    These are functions that appear in the Language tab of RAP's Code Toolbox.
    These functions are written in Delphi and can be called from RAP. RAP's
    pass-through function architecture enable's developers to add new built-in
    functions to RAP's code toolbox.

    2. Extend RAP's RTTI

    RAP's Run-time Type information defines what classes and properties can be
    accessed via RAP. By default the published properties of any class that is
    registered with Delphi's RegisterClass procedure is recognized by RAP. In
    addition many of the public properties and methods of ReportBuilder classes
    are exposed.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2007
    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    I didn't have time to look at the pass-through function or the RTTI
    because it is a subject that requires time to understand well. The
    sample could not be used directly because the report is template based
    and after I load the template, the events aren't called. What I did is
    to load the template first and then reassign the events as shown in the
    sample. As Long as the Report doesn't define any of the used events it
    works OK.

    I will have to look at the other suggestion for a more permanent
    solution when I get time to do it.

    Many thanks,

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