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How NOT to print a detail line item...

edited April 2007 in RAP
I'm trying to change an accounting invoice report already designed and
working fine, to NOT print a detail line item if the Quantity Shipped = 0
and the Quantity Backordered =0. If they are both = 0 then don't print the
line item. At first thought easy task, i.e. when the detail band before
print event fires just test with an if statement and make the dbtext
components invisible. This hides the whole column and not the row.
Am I explaining so understand?



  • edited April 2007
    Hi Don,

    1. If you would like you can set the visibility of the entire band to
    False, or, you can place all your components inside a TppRegion and toggle
    the visibility of that to make the process easier.

    2. Be sure you are setting the visibility back to True if the condition is
    not met. Once the visibility of a report component is set to False, it will
    remain that way unless otherwise defined.

    lbVisible := (Report.DataPipeline['QuantityShipped'] = 0) and
    (Report.DataPipeline['QuantityBackordered'] = 0);

    ppDetailBand1.Visible := lbVisible;


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2007
    Thanks, that sounds like that might work. Didn't think of creating a
    region, don't know how to do that, but I'll figure it out. I'm new at using
    RBuilder but love it also. Great reporting system. Basically, all I'm
    attempting to do is if the invoice detail line item has zero backorder and
    zero shipped, then no need to print that line item on the invoice. The
    report has header, detail and footer is all. Fairly simple report. Simple
    IF statement will do it, just figuring the ins and outs to RBuilder.
    I'll work with this and let you know.

    Tks again,

  • edited May 2007
    The Region component works perfectly for this design. Just used the
    component to encapsulate the data and then wrote an if statement for the
    print event and if the QtyShipped and QtyBO both equaled 0, then made the
    region invisible and that detail line doesn't show and behavior was skipped.
    Thanks for your help.
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