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Exception Handling in RAP

edited April 2007 in RAP
In my app, many of my built-in reports use RAP. End Users may not have
access to RAP as I remove that from some editions of my software.
However, when they modify/save reports as templates to their database,
and delete a RB component that has RAP code attached they get an
exception. I could tell them to not delete any components, just make
them invisible, but that is ugly. Is there any other way to handle
this, such as excetption handling in RAP so that if a component is
missing that has RAP code attached, it does not affect their report

David Farrell-Garcia
Whidbey Island Software, LLC


  • edited April 2007
    I should have mentioned, rather then exception handling could I use,
    for example:

    if assigned(ppLabel1) then

    David Farrell-Garcia
    Whidbey Island Software, LLC
  • edited April 2007

    If the user deletes a Label, then any RAP event-handlers associated with the
    Label's events will also be deleted. However, if you have code in say, the
    Band.BeforePrint event, that references the Label, then that will cause a
    compile error.

    One option would be to add a custom RAP function that can check whether a
    component with exists. Then call the function from your RAP code, like

    if ComponentExists(Report, 'Label1') then


    In Delphi code you could implement that function like this..

    (psuedo code)

    ppClass, raCodMod;

    function ComponentExists(aReport: TppCustomReport; aUserName: String):
    lCodeModule: TraCodeModule;

    lCodeModule := raGetCodeModule(aReport);

    lComponent := lCodeModule.FindUserObject(aUserName);

    Result := lComponent <> nil;


    Try to implement the above function in Delphi code and call it from a Delphi
    event-handler. Once you have that working, convert it to a RAP pass-thru
    function that is registred with the RAP CodeToolbox.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    "David Farrell-Garcia"

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2007
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    I have never used RAP passthrough functions. Is there a good example
    of using this feature and regisetring it with the RAP CodeToolbox?

    David Farrell-Garcia
    Whidbey Island Software, LLC
  • edited April 2007

    One of the best features of RAP is how easy and powerful it is to extend it
    with custom functions and RTTI.

    For more details, check out the 'Adding Functions to RAP' tutorial in the RB
    Developers Guide and the RBuilder\Demos\RAP demos.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.