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Global Declarations

edited June 2007 in RAP
All calculated and assigned values in all Global Variables clears after
printer change.
I can see value on preview but not prints.const same too.(V9.03)
In this example variable6 never prints if printer has changed.
Prints correctly when printing to default printer.
Preview screen values are always correct.

global variables
var str: string;

procedure ReportBeforeprint;
if Report.DeviceType='Screen' then

str := MyFunc;//

//myfunc must be run only once and value must be saved for printing.
sometimes this event fires two times

procedure variable6onCals(var value:variant);


Value := Str;




  • edited June 2007
    Hi Bersin,

    I'm a bit unclear about the full issue. Where are you assigning the global
    variables? If it is inside the OnGlobalCreate event, they should never
    loose their values unless it is changed in another event.

    Instead of using the OnBeforePrint event, try using an earlier event such as
    the OnBeforeOpenDataPipelines.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2007
    I solved it by using label not global variables.Labels are keeping their
    values.Following are informal only.
    Thank you.

    procedure ReportBeforeprint;
    if Report.DeviceType='Screen' then
    str := MyFunc;

    At design I put a variable and get value from global variable str.
    I was using beforeprint to assign variables.I have no code in globaloncreate
    After printer change event fires second time and my variables are empty ,
    first time assigned values are lost.
    I am checking if event is fired first time and then making assignments.
    (Report.DeviceType='Screen' if first )
    Event first fires at preview and then fires again when printing.
    if NO printer change event fires once no problem.

    I found that this occurs when not printing to the default printer. (maybe on
    printer selection ?)

    Tried two things to understand
    1) At preview ReportBeforeprint event fires ,then I click "print" button
    then change the default printer and select another printer then press ok to
    print, ReportBeforeprint event fires second time and first values clears at
    second time.

    I put a "showmessage(Report.DeviceType)" In ReportBeforeprint it gives me
    two message box :
    First message : 'Screen', (variable ok)
    second message :'Printer' (variable is empty)

    2) I do not change the printer and print to the default printer
    ReportBeforeprint event fires one time (only preview time) and variables are
    This time showmessage tells me Report.DeviceType='Screen' and only one time.

    I use this code "if Report.DeviceType='Screen then str := MyFunc;' "
    because I want to run Myfunc only once.
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