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What's wrong with this?

edited September 2007 in RAP
I know this must be easy for most of you, I'm a novice at this. I
don't see what's wrong in the example below.I'm trying to print a report
that only shows certain workorders, DBdetail WOID. Actually I want to be
able to select several workorder id & have them display in a report, so I
thought I'd try just 1, but it did not compile. If this is easy to solve ,
can you tell me how to list several DBdetail WOID's in one report.Also what
would be the difference in between doing this BeforeGenerate as opposed to

Thanks for any ideas


  • edited September 2007
    Hi Chris,

    I gues it should be

    if DBdetail['WOID'] = 13165 then

    Kind regards
    Ruediger Kabbasch
  • edited September 2007
    Thanks, it compiled correctly, but how would i list multiple numbers within
    an If statemanet?
    DBdetail['WOID'] = 13165
    DBdetail['WOID'] = 14164
    DBdetail['WOID'] = 12134
    DBdetail['WOID'] = 12097 then
  • edited September 2007
    IF ((DBdetail['WOID'] = 13165) OR (DBdetail['WOID'] = 14164) OR ... Then

    or if the list is longer use a boolean variable


    isTrue = ((DBdetail['WOID'] = 13165) OR
    (DBdetail['WOID'] = 14164) OR

    If there is an IN statement in RAP (I do not know) maybe this could work:

    IF (DBdetail['WOID'] IN [13165, 14164, ...]) Then

    Kind regards,
    Ruediger Kabbasch

  • edited September 2007
    Thanks, I'll give it a try.
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