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Question on using TdaSQLBuilder

edited November 2007 in RAP
Is there any info other then whats in the RBuilder help program?

Here is what I am trying to do (in DADE - RB 10.03). I have 4 tables, a
PurchaseOrder table, a Unit Table (that has what units were brought in
on what POs), a UnitPay table (that has which units were paid on which
checks), and a POPay table (that has which POs were paid on which checks).

I have PurchaseOrder set with an AutoSearch for the PO#. I figure I'll
need to set 3 more queries on Unit, UnitPay and POPay. I would then
like to use the PO# from AutoSearch and set the 3 other queries to only
bring up for that PO, so that the report only shows PO info, a subreport
1 shows Units brought in on that PO, and subreport 2 shows units brought
in on that PO that were paid and how, and subreport 3 shows all the
different checks written to pay that PO.

I'm sure there has to be a way to do this without having 4 different
autosearches (one for each query). I don't need to build the queries
dynamically, I just need to set the search criteria immediately after
the user enters the info on the 1st auto search.

How do I do this, either by linking the tables in the DataView tab, or
in the Calc tab (using code)?

Thanks in Advance...
- Chris


  • edited November 2007
    Hi Chris,

    If each "detail" table contains a linking field (such as the PO#), you could
    link the master table (PurchaseOrders) to each detail table on that field,
    then when autosearching on that field, the criteria will apply to the other
    queries. It seems like you may be able to join your UnitPay and POPay
    tables so all tables could be linked to the PO dataset.

    I would suggest taking a look at some of the master detail examples located
    in the \RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\... directory to see how these are
    designed and created.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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