The RecordNo property of the DataPipeline is currently not available in RAP. The datapipeline traverses the data from start to finish, it does not have a concept of a record count before it has begun. What exactly would you like to accomplish? Perhaps there is another way to solve this problem.
looks as if that's what I wanted to know either...
I have a "column" in my report (i.e. caption in the groupheader + the value-field on the detailband). I need to set both to visible for *all* records of the detailband-pipeline, if there are at least two different values in the said field. If all records have the same value in that field (either all empty or all of the same value), then that "column" shouldn't be visible for *all* records.
1. I've tried to use a variable within the detail band, but somehow I can't get it to work for all cases.
2. Then I wanted to use a global procedure with a for-loop to determine, if there are different values (at some point before the generation of the detailband), so that I can only set the fields to visible or invisible in OnCalc of the detailband-variable according to the value determined in that global procedure.
Would that work or should I stick to my first attempt and try to find the reason for it not working always?
If I understand correctly, you would like to hide everything if all field values are the same and display everything if at least two field values are different?
I would need to know more information about your first attempt to see what exactly is happening. I assume you are checking the value of the field during the first pass of the report and toggling visibility based on those values.
If your second attempt at this is successful, I suggest using it .
Correct, that's how I was doing it, but it wasn't working in the case, if all positions had the value 0 (or empty) but the last one, because I was checking, if the number of changes (glDiscountValueCount) is > 1 (initial change of the value to compare hat to happen once). But in the case above it wasn't working.
I tried a bit more now and do the initial change with the help of the tag property, so that it doesn't get counted as a real change.
if Report.FirstPass then begin Label24.visible := false; DBText20.visible := false;
if Variable3.Tag = 0 then begin Variable3.Value := Positions['DiscountPercent']; Variable3.Tag := 1; end else if Variable3.Tag = 1 then begin if Positions['DiscountPercent'] <> Variable3.Value then begin Variable3.Value := Positions['DiscountPercent']; glDiscountValueCount := glDiscountValueCount + 1; end; end; end else begin if glDiscountValueCount > 0 then begin Label24.visible := true; DBText20.visible := true; end; end;
This seems to work now, unless you see some issues, which I might have missed so far
The RecordNo property of the DataPipeline is currently not available in RAP.
The datapipeline traverses the data from start to finish, it does not have a
concept of a record count before it has begun. What exactly would you like
to accomplish? Perhaps there is another way to solve this problem.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
looks as if that's what I wanted to know either...
I have a "column" in my report (i.e. caption in the groupheader + the
value-field on the detailband). I need to set both to visible for *all*
records of the detailband-pipeline, if there are at least two different
values in the said field. If all records have the same value in that field
(either all empty or all of the same value), then that "column" shouldn't be
visible for *all* records.
1. I've tried to use a variable within the detail band, but somehow I can't
get it to work for all cases.
2. Then I wanted to use a global procedure with a for-loop to determine, if
there are different values (at some point before the generation of the
detailband), so that I can only set the fields to visible or invisible in
OnCalc of the detailband-variable according to the value determined in that
global procedure.
Would that work or should I stick to my first attempt and try to find the
reason for it not working always?
If I understand correctly, you would like to hide everything if all
field values are the same and display everything if at least two field
values are different?
I would need to know more information about your first attempt to see
what exactly is happening. I assume you are checking the value of the
field during the first pass of the report and toggling visibility based
on those values.
If your second attempt at this is successful, I suggest using it
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Yes, that's correct
Correct, that's how I was doing it, but it wasn't working in the case, if
all positions had the value 0 (or empty) but the last one, because I was
checking, if the number of changes (glDiscountValueCount) is > 1 (initial
change of the value to compare hat to happen once). But in the case above it
wasn't working.
I tried a bit more now and do the initial change with the help of the tag
property, so that it doesn't get counted as a real change.
if Report.FirstPass then begin
Label24.visible := false;
DBText20.visible := false;
if Variable3.Tag = 0 then begin
Variable3.Value := Positions['DiscountPercent'];
Variable3.Tag := 1;
else if Variable3.Tag = 1 then begin
if Positions['DiscountPercent'] <> Variable3.Value then begin
Variable3.Value := Positions['DiscountPercent'];
glDiscountValueCount := glDiscountValueCount + 1;
else begin
if glDiscountValueCount > 0 then begin
Label24.visible := true;
DBText20.visible := true;
This seems to work now, unless you see some issues, which I might have
missed so far
Variable3.Tag is being reset to 0 in ReportBeforePrint