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Variable in footer band

edited March 2009 in RAP
Report Builder 5.0 Enterprise, Delphi 5


I have variable in footer band which should sum some value on the page
(value := value + PIPELINE[some])

Value disagree with reality, doesnt take first value of page. I try do
something by adding false group(keeptogether=true) but then last value
of page wasn't taken.

Maciej Majewski


  • edited March 2009
    Hi Maciej,

    Earlier versions of ReportBuilder (RB 7 and earlier) had a limitation where
    variable calculations in the Footer Band with a dynamic height detail band
    would not calculate correctly. This issue has been addressed for most cases
    in the latest version of ReportBuilder.

    Some current options for your version are to set your detail band to use a
    static height or try making the calculation in a different event.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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