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No printer list when printing report

edited April 2009 in RAP
When a user goes to print a report they don't see their local printers.

I have users setup in on a server for them to logon to through Remote
Desktop. I set up the "Start the following program at logon" to be my
program. I also ensured they are connecting their local resources. When
they go to print anything they don't get a list of their printers. If I
remove the setting and allow them to go to the desktop first and then run my
program, the printers are there.
I have another area of my program that allows the users to see a list of
printers, that is completely independent of RBP, and the full printer list
is there, regardless of the starting environment. Only when printing the
reports through RBP and having the startup environment do they have the
printer problems.
I installed a third party printing client called Uniprint, and it works, but
I don't want to pay for it and have to require my users to download it. I
just don't get why the normal way doesn't work.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is there some kind of setting I need to do?

My program is written in Delphi 7 and I am using report builder pro v9.10.
The server is Windows 2003.

Any help would be appreciated.




  • edited April 2009

    I recommend downloading a trial of RB 11 for D7 and trying the same test.

    You can also try manually refreshing the RB printer list.





    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2009
    You are a GENIUS! All I had to do was the refresh.


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