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Report not working after upgrade from 9.x to 11.05 (from .general group)

edited October 2009 in RAP
The same report that I reported a problem with in a .general thread also
has a problem with some RAP code.

(I know you have asked for a test app to allow you to duplicate it. I'm
working on it.)

The following is an example of some RAP code which is not getting
executed correctly.

if Rebate_Totals_Invoice['InvSlsbyAR QtyShip']= 0 then
Value := Rebate_Totals_Invoice['Sum(InvSlsbyAR QtyOrdrd)'];
Value := Rebate_Totals_Invoice['InvSlsbyAR QtyShip'];

As reported in the other thread, the first issue appears to be the
change in implementation of procedure TdaMagicSQL.UpdateSQLFieldNames;
from 9.03 to 11.06

I went ahead and restored that method in 11.06 to that of 9.03 to see if
I could continue my debug and in doing so have discovered why the above
RAP Code is not executing correctly.

The problem is in function TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue(aFieldName:
string): Variant; located in ppDBPipe.pas

The actual object instantiated is a TppChildDBPipeline

9.03 version

function TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue(aFieldName: string): Variant;

Result := Null;

if not SetCurrentField(aFieldName) or (ppdaNoRecords in State) then Exit;

11.06 version

function TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue(aFieldName: string): Variant;
lField: TField;

Result := Null;

if (FDataLink.DataSet <> nil) then
lField := FDataLink.DataSet.FindField(aFieldName)
lField := nil;

if (lField = nil) or (ppdaNoRecords in State) then Exit;

The problem is this. In 9.03 the value of State changes from
[ppdaNoRecords] to [ppdaFirstRecord]

In 11.06 it never changes and remains [ppdaNoRecords]

I could help you further identify issues if the property State

property State: TppDataPipelineStates read FState write FState;

used a set method instead of accessing the field directly as I could
then set a breakpoint. I tried adding a Set method for the property,
but unit raIDE.dcu is dependent so there was a version mismatch on the dcus.

Still working on the example.


  • edited October 2009
    Also, even though the State value is [ppdaNoRecords] in 11.06, the field
    is there and the value in it is correct. It just not being returned
    because the method

    TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue(aFieldName: string): Variant;

    prematurely exits when

    if (lField = nil) or (ppdaNoRecords in State) then Exit;

    is executed.

  • edited October 2009
    To: Nard Moseley
    CC: Tom Jacobs (Exact Software)
    CC: ElevateSoft Support (FYI only)

    I took the trouble to try the sample app out in the configuration as you

    Clean install of Delphi, RBuilder, and DBISAM 4.26 Build 3 on D2007
    (even though I use D7)

    RBuilder and DBISAM are the only components installed.

    I still have the same issue demonstrated.

    What do I have to do to escalate this?


  • edited October 2009
    Please do not crosspost. Please see my reply to your thread in General.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.