Get percentaje of total
In the following report:
Sold %
Banana 624 35.33%
Apple 323 18.29%
Melon 425 24.07%
Berry 394 22.31%
TOTAL 1766 100.00%
I want to calculate the percentaje of unit sold. I've read that it is not a
good idea to use DBCalc if you want to get the values of sum so I've get the
total with Variables:
Variable1: Units Sold
Variable2: Total Units Sold
Variable3: Percentaje of Units Sold
Units Sold: Variable1.OnCalc
- Value := Data['UnitsSold'];
- Variable2.Value := Variable2.Value + Data['UnitsSold'];
Column Sold is displayed correctly.
The problem comes to calculate the percentaje. I am using Variable3.OnCalc
- Value := 0;
- if Variable2.Value <> 0 then
- Value := Data['UnitsSold'] * 100 / Variable2.Value;
but with lookAhead Data['UnitsSold'] is always the last value (394) and
without lookAhead Variable2.Value is the cummulative sum instead of the
total sum. i.e.
624 Variable2.Value 624
323 Variable2.Value 947
425 Variable2.Value 1372
Is there a way to get the current data and the total in a Variable?
To complicate a bit more I would also like to use it with groups.
Fruits Sold %
Banana 624 35.33%
Apple 323 18.29%
Melon 425 24.07%
Berry 394 22.31%
TOTAL 1766 100.00%
Others 12 44.44%
Garlic 15 55.56%
Cinamon 27 100.00%
Jose Maria Sanmartin
This discussion has been closed.
I've seen an example where you use the following function within the report:
function GetLookAheadTotal: Variant;
lsTotal: String;
lsKey: String;
liPos: Integer;
{retrieve the look ahead total and convert from Text to Float value.
note: the lookahead values are cached as Strings. The content of the
is exactly what is rendered to the page. Therefore it is a
formatted value }
lsKey := DBCalc1.GetLookAheadKey;
lsTotal := DBCalc1.GetLookAheadValue(lsKey);
{remove '$' from formatted value}
liPos := Pos( '$', lsTotal);
if liPos > 0 then
Delete(lsTotal, liPos, 1);
{remove ',' from formatted value}
liPos := Pos( ',', lsTotal);
if liPos > 0 then
Delete(lsTotal, liPos, 1);
until (liPos = 0);
Result := StrToFloat(lsTotal);
Jose Maria Sanmartin