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Delphi XE / RB 12.05 with StringList in RAP SaveToFile raises an Exception

edited September 2011 in RAP

in Delphi XE (update 1) with RB 12.05 I have created an simple empty report.
Inside RAP I declared a StringList added one string item and then save it to
file. The SaveToFile did not work and raises an Exception at 0000000.

Best regards


  • edited September 2011

    You and I have discussed this issue via support@ email. In debugging the
    code, TStringList.SaveToFile is being called from RAP. In my testing with
    Delphi 2010, the code works, but in XE an exception occurs in SysUtils.pas,
    TEncoding.GetByteCount which is called internally by TStringList. At this
    point we do not have solution, but will continue to research the issue.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2011
    Hi Nard,

    perhaps I misunderstood something, because I was waiting on another post in
    that case. I have heard nothing after two reminders and so I had restarted
    the request in this group.

    The problem is, that we have changed all code from Delphi 2006 to XE and now
    cannot go back, because we have changed also the database structure. A
    handful customers uses intensive RAP with Stringlist and no of this reports
    are working now. We have a workaround to use a hidden TMemo and then the
    lines-object instead but this means, that they have to change a lot of
    reports and what is more work, to look at each report and there in all code
    parts, if it uses Stringlists.

    In XE the SaveToFile is overloaded with an additional SaveToFile and
    encoding, perhaps it is possible to change the RAP code in that way to use
    explicit this overloaded part with the actual ANSI-Codepage from Windows
    under condition if it compiles under XE?

    Best regards

  • edited September 2011
    There is now a patch available for RB 12.05 that resolves this issue.
    Registered users can email support@ and request the patch. (As you
    suggested, I modified the code to call the overloaded version of
    TStrings.SaveToFile and that seems to work.)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.