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exported DOCX-file appears to be "damaged" when a hyperlink is enabled

We encountered a serious problem in creating .docx-files from Reportbuilder (version 22.02. build 189).
If we put a label with "hyperlink enabled" on the form, and if at the same time the number of pages of the generated docx-file is more than 1, Word can no longer read this file:

"Word heeft onleesbare inhoud aangetroffen in Report.docx. Wilt u de inhoud van dit document herstellen? Klik op Ja als u de bron van dit document vertrouwt"

If we put "hyperlink enabled" to false, or if the number of pages is only 1, everything works fine. Export to PDF works fine.


  • Hi Gerhard,

    I created a test report, but did not encounter an error.

    Please create a simple example project we can build and run in the debugger. Use standard Delphi components and RB. Use the rbDemos data or copy data to ClientDataSet/FDMemTable. Send in zip format to support@.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Gerhard,

    I researched and created a patch for RB 22.05 to resolve the issue. (I emailed the patch).

    Developers with an active RB license can email support@ and request the patch.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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