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Insert stream attachments into PDF Report

Good morning,
we need to insert attachments into a PDF construction, an alternative to the Report.PDFSetting.Attachments method, without using the filesystem.

The method we are looking for should allow us to indicate both the name of the attachment and the content, perhaps via a stream.

Thank you.
Best regards.

Domenico Depino
Saxos Informatica


  • Hi Antonio,

    ReportBuilder supports streamed attachments in PDF using the Objects property of the TStrings class (PDFSettings.Attachments). See the included documentation for the TppPDFSettings.Attachments property for more information.
    Report.PDFSettings.Attachments.AddObject('AttachmentPDF.pdf', lMemoryStream);
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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