New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

TppDataDictionary displays TableName and FieldName instead of TableAlias and FieldAlias

I use ReportBuilder 20.04 in Delphi XE10.2.
When I design a report, I programmatically create a TppDataDictionary and a TppDesigner. In TppDesigner, I attach the TppDataDictionary with a DataSettings.DataDictgionary property.
Then, when I create a report, the TableAlias and FieldAlias correctly display the table and field description.
But, several times, over the same design time, after 30 minutes, approximately, the TableAlias and FieldAlias display the TableName and FieldName.
How can I solve this problem?
Best regards


  • Hi Marius,

    This is not a known issue. Please update to the latest version of ReportBuilder and re-test.

    Where are the field and table values displaying incorrectly? DADE workspace inside the Query Designer or Query Wizard, or in the Designer (Data Tree or combo box field selectors)?

    The fact that it works initially, then changes leads me to believe that the values are either retrieved from the DataDictionary tables at first or later on. Check your RBItem and RBTable DB tables to be sure the values for FieldAlias and TableAlias are correct. It's also possible that since you are creating the DataDictionary in code that it is somehow losing its connection. The DataDictionay is generally meant to be a design-time component.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    The problem appears in Query Designer, Query Wizard and Designer.

    It's a problem that's been around for a long time. We had it in version 7.04. I'm only bringing it to your attention now, because we have a request to correct the situation.

    I have two custom physical tables that I use, one for TableAlias and the other for FieldAlias, which I open with a TAdsQuery.

    The problem occurs after several manipulations in the designer, without me having closed it.

    I'll try to see what I do when the problem occurs.

    Best regards
  • Hi Nico,

    It's the TppDesigner.DataSettings.UseDataDictionary property, which seems to be set to False, that's causing the problem. But I don't know how it gets set to False when I'm in design.

    Best regards
  • Hi Marius,

    Try placing stops in the TppDataSettings.SetUseDataDictionary and TppDesigner.SetDataSettings routines and see if that gives any clues to how the UseDataDictionary property is getting set to false.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    Since this doesn't always happen, I'm going to implement a validation, which when UseDataDictionary is set to False, generates a log with the callstack and displays a message to the user so that the log can be viewed.

    When I know more about the source of the problem, I'll let you know.

    Best regards.
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