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Gradient Color in Bands seems to change based on SinglePageOnly

edited August 2023 in General
This is gonna be a strange one.

We have a report with a Group Footer Band that has a gradient set for white to light gray. This same gray is used in our report Header Band (within a shape) as well.

For some reason (only in the Group Footer Band) the color looks correct when SinglePageOnly = True, and looks slightly pink when SinglePageOnly = False.

It's not an optical color illusion because the Header Band color looks fine in both.

SinglePageOnly = True
SinglePageOnly = False


  • There is a patch available for RB 22.02 that solves this issue. Registered users with a valid software subscription can email support@digital-metaphors.com to receive the patch.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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