PDF Device report have issues using RTF
Hi. I recently upgraded from Delphi Tokyo to Delphi Alexandria and from RBuilder 20.4 to RBuilder 21.03 Build 51.
I have issues printing in PDF reports having RTF data in it (via TppRichText component)
Dots in list are not correctly rendered as it is printed a "?" instead of dot:

I noticed that i can solve modifying property TppReport.PDFSettings.FontEncoding = feUnicode instead of default value feAnsi.
This is a problem for me because pdf becomes very big in size (a test report passes from 21.430 byte to 477.308 byte)
I thank you in advance
I have issues printing in PDF reports having RTF data in it (via TppRichText component)
Dots in list are not correctly rendered as it is printed a "?" instead of dot:

I noticed that i can solve modifying property TppReport.PDFSettings.FontEncoding = feUnicode instead of default value feAnsi.
This is a problem for me because pdf becomes very big in size (a test report passes from 21.430 byte to 477.308 byte)
I thank you in advance
This issue was fixed for the latest version(s) of ReportBuilder. Please upgrade to RB 21.05 to receive this fix as well as numerous others.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors