Hi, i have problem with printing duplex pages. All document contains about 10 companios with informations. Each companion have one or two pages. I need to each companion was printed duplexed on own A4.
Please ignore my previous post. There is a built-in feature of the TppGroup that will automatically start each group on an odd page. I was reminded of this feature when trying to recreate the issue you described above . This should make things a little easier.
Use the TppGroup.StartOnOddPage property or simply select the "Start On Odd Page" option of the groups dialog to enable this feature.
See the following article on how to force group headers to print on odd pages. I believe this will give you the effect you are after.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Exists some solution without add extra page ? I would like save printer and time.
Please ignore my previous post. There is a built-in feature of the TppGroup that will automatically start each group on an odd page. I was reminded of this feature when trying to recreate the issue you described above
Use the TppGroup.StartOnOddPage property or simply select the "Start On Odd Page" option of the groups dialog to enable this feature.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors