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Compiling 64bit


When I choose target Windows 64-bit, I get error "Unit ppCtrls not found".

My application is an empty form, with only a TppReport-component dropped on it.
(32 bit is no problem)

What can be the problem?

kind regards,

Dirk Janssens.


  • Hi Dirk,

    Which version of Delphi are you using? In my testing with RB 21.04 and Delphi 11 and 10.4.2, 64 bit compiling is working correctly. Check your 64 bit library path to be sure the file is present and that the path exists in your Delphi installation. (\RBuilder\Lib\Win64\).

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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