Print to File (PDF) , onGetFileSuffix , Unable to open file : _.pdf , only on Terminal Server
Dear Support,
I have a Windows 2012 Terminal Server. If I run my Programm from c:\Ladeliste it works. If I run my Programm from c:\Program Files (x86) or c:\Programme I always get the error : Unable to open file : _.pdf . If I run it as administrator it works.
Can you please help me?
I have a Windows 2012 Terminal Server. If I run my Programm from c:\Ladeliste it works. If I run my Programm from c:\Program Files (x86) or c:\Programme I always get the error : Unable to open file : _.pdf . If I run it as administrator it works.
Can you please help me?
procedure ABGroupOnGetFileSuffix(var SuffixValue: String); begin SuffixValue := Report.Parameters['FilePath']+IntToStr(POS['AB']); end;I run this RTM from code like this :
SelectedPrinter:=Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Template.FileName:=ReportPath+'Standard\EINZEL_LIEFERSCHEIN.rtm'; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Template.LoadFromFile; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Parameters.Items['HeadID'].Value:=DataLief.qryHeadLieferscheinID.Value; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Parameters.Items['TripID'].Value:=DataLief.qryPrintID.Value; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Parameters.Items['D3'].Value:=0; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Parameters.Items['Gestell'].Value:='%'; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Parameters.Items['FilePath'].Value:=TempPath; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.TextFileName:='_'; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.ShowPrintDialog:=false; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.PrinterSetup.PrinterName:=SelectedPrinter; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.AllowPrintToFile:=true; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.DeviceType:= dtPDF; ReportBuilder.ppPrint.Print;
and comment out inside the RTM the ABGroupOnGetFileSuffix it works.
But now every file has test_Ordernumber.pdf ( test_ is there , this was the main reason for TextFileName := '_';
This same problem also happens with 21.03 , I use 20.03 . I guess I am doing something horribly wrong here, but what?
NOTE : software does work without problem from Network Drive . Only if Software is located under c:\Program Files (x86) or c:\Programme it does not work if I do not explicitly set the TextFileName with fullpath to the Users Home Dir ( TempPath )
if I use TextFileName:='_.pdf'; . ReportBuilder tries to create the temporary file inside the folder where the App Executable is . So in my case c:\Program Files(x86)\Ladeliste\_.pdf this failes naturally since I cannot give every user admin rights.
If I run it as admin it creates the _pdf there then it copies/renames it to the final order which is users home dir.
So my question is , how do I tell report builder to create _.pdf file as well inside the Home Directory . Is there another setting I am missing?
Now the _.pdf empty file is created on the TempPath . And after the Report processes the data the files are correctly created as expected.
Thank you.