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Upgrading to Teechart Pro - cant see Extended Chart Types in Report Builder

Delphi 10.3.3
TeeChart Pro VCL FMX 2021.33
ReportBuilder Enterprise Edition 21.01

I was using the standard Tee Chart shipped with RB successfully and have created reports with TeeCharts in them.

I have upgraded to Tee Chart Pro as I need some of the chart types only available in Pro

I followed the instructions in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\RBuilder\TeeChart\Readme.doc and ran the RB TeeChart Package Builder.

No extra chart types were showing in RB. So I updated to RB Ent 21.01 which I noticed ran the RB TeeChart Package Builder for me.

No extra chart types in the RB Designer still

Re ran the RB Tee Chart Builder (always as Administrator)

Still no extra chart types.

Where am I going wrong!


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