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ReportBuilder 20.04 is now available including Delphi 10.4.1 support!

edited September 2021 in Announcements
Digital Metaphors Corporation releases ReportBuilder 20.04!

ReportBuilder 20.04 includes VCL support for Delphi 10.4, Delphi 10.3, Delphi 10.2, Delphi 10.1, Delphi 10, Delphi XE8, Delphi XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/general/whats-new/rb-20/

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/download/pdf/NewFeatures.pdf

New RB Software Subscription, see the following link

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade now!

Enhancements for RB 20.04
- Delphi 10.4.1 support

Bug Fixes for RB 20.04

- Error, 'File in use by another process' can sometimes occur
- Font scaling, sometimes text width > bounds width
- Added initialization check for AccessoryToolbar width > screen width

- Output, Multiview/Category buttons should not be styled
- Output, Print dialog could incorrectly print to file in some cases
- Export File, When export type changes, update file extension

- RichText, Mail Merge, mod to support merging RTF and plain text data
- 2DBarCode, QRCodes sometimes render w/incorrect dimensions
- Image, Transparent images were not displaying correctly in some cases

- XlsReport, cell background not exported when value is null
- PDF, MetaGraphics, Horizontal alignment of rotated text sometimes incorrect
- PDF, MetaGraphics, StretchDIBits not positioning image correctly
- PDF, MetaGraphics state becomes out of sync during clipping action
- PDF, Checkboxes and signature fields would not coexist in PDF
- PDF, Fonts with spaces not being processed for PDF form fields
- PDF, Reports with numerous form fields created a large PDF file
- PDF, Fixed syntax error when writing PDF metadata
- PDF, Added "Cambria Math" to manually processed font list
- PDF, Encrypted PDF's not opening in latest Google web-based viewer (Gmail/Google Drive)

- Indy, Mods to improving processing multiple recipient addresses
- Streamed attachments were removed from the attachment list
- Rest GMail, Added support for Google services "Desktop Application"

Cloud Drive
- Google Drive, Added support for Google services "Desktop Application"

------> Professional <-------

- SQL, Added logic to ensure table SQL alias <= MaxAliasLength

------> Enterprise <--------

- Report.CloseDataPipelines, include DataPipelines referenced by RAP code

------> Server
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