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Windows 2012 R2 - KB4578013 Lockups when running Reports

edited August 2020 in General
We have a customer who has a 2012 R2 and installed KB4578013 last night. This morning they came in and none of their reports are running. The RB report screen appears and then completely locks the program up. All other areas where the database is accessed are working (CRUD).

I made a test application that does nothing but report on one of the smaller tables in our application:

AdsConnection1.IsConnected := False;
AdsConnection1.ConnectPath := Edit1.Text;
AdsConnection1.IsConnected := True;


ppReport1.DeviceType := 'Screen';

And it locks up as well.

We're using Delphi XE3, Advantage 11.10.0011, and Report Builder 19.04 build 146.

The users are remoting into the server to do their work. This could be important because the KB " fixes two Windows Remote Access elevation of privilege vulnerabilities affecting all supported versions of Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2." We haven't been able to test this across the network yet.

We uninstalled the KB and the reports are back to working.

We installed our test application on our Domain Controller (with Advantage DB on a different File Server) and the test program works. It may be that Advantage, and the test program need to exist on the same machine, but we need to do more testing first. All other database access works in both environments, it's only when we print a Report does it lock up. It gets to the stage "Accessing Data".


  • Hi Dusten,

    For the test app, try adding

    ppReport.PreviewFormSettings.SinglePageOnly := True;


    Does that resolve the issue?

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2020
    Sorry for the delay on this one. Here's what we've learned so far.

    We spun up a fresh 2012 R2 with the KB and had no troubles whatsoever.

    We updated all of our production servers and again had no troubles.

    This seems to be very specific to the customers' location. One thing that stands out is they have all of their clients remote into the server with Encryption Oracle Remediation set to Vulnerable (this is in GPO). It's the only customer of ours that has this restriction.

    I know it's not a lot to go on, but we're still doing research. Their machine re-updated over the weekend and we ran a few software tests.

    * Run Report that's not attached to any database, just a label on a title band: Application locked up.
    * Run Report to printer: Application locked up.
    * Run Report with Single Page Only: Application locked up.

    Not a lot of our customers on 2012R2 have updated yet, so we're still in kind of a holding pattern. Reaching out for anything that might solve this problem before it becomes more wide spread.

    Thanks Nard.
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