End User 2 SQL in 2 subreport
I am not developer, I am using Report builder designer version 19
I can add a custom SQL on my report. I am limited with only one dataset
I need 2 different SQL from server so I decided to use UNION ALL and I have one column with SqlNo for ex.
Result Table is like :
SqlNo ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
1 xxx
1 yyy
1 rrr
2 aaa
2 aaa
2 bbb
2 bbb
So I need to filter WHERE SQLNo=1 in SubReport1.Detail bands, same like if SqlNo=2 then DetailBand. Visible := False like this.
Any ideas?
I spend like 4 hours
Name : Tansu Ozcelebi
License : No
Payed for Support := No
I am not developer, I am using Report builder designer version 19
I can add a custom SQL on my report. I am limited with only one dataset
I need 2 different SQL from server so I decided to use UNION ALL and I have one column with SqlNo for ex.
Result Table is like :
SqlNo ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
1 xxx
1 yyy
1 rrr
2 aaa
2 aaa
2 bbb
2 bbb
So I need to filter WHERE SQLNo=1 in SubReport1.Detail bands, same like if SqlNo=2 then DetailBand. Visible := False like this.
Any ideas?
I spend like 4 hours

Name : Tansu Ozcelebi
License : No
Payed for Support := No
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors