TppLabel with color setting doesn't print out in Epson LQ100 printer on Windows 10
I have a TppLabel control:
If I change the font color to clBlack. The control does print out.
This happen when I upgrade to ReportBuilder 20 build 255.
The problem didn't happen in last few releases of ReportBuilder.
Best Regards,
Chau Chee Yang
object ppLabel1: TppLabel DesignLayer = ppDesignLayer1 UserName = 'Label1' Border.mmPadding = 0 Caption = 'Label1' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Size = 10 Font.Style = [] FormFieldSettings.FormSubmitInfo.SubmitMethod = fstPost FormFieldSettings.FormFieldType = fftNone Transparent = True mmHeight = 4234 mmLeft = 10583 mmTop = 6879 mmWidth = 10055 BandType = 0 LayerName = Foreground endPreview the report is fine, the control show blue color text. When I try to print it on Dot Matrix non color printer (Epson LQ100). The control does not print out.
If I change the font color to clBlack. The control does print out.
This happen when I upgrade to ReportBuilder 20 build 255.
The problem didn't happen in last few releases of ReportBuilder.
Best Regards,
Chau Chee Yang