Corrupt installation
I have recently upgraded to Delphi Rio and upgraded my Report Builder to 19.03 build 370. I say upgraded but I have done a new installation on a new machine. Unfortunately my Report Builder installation appears to be corrupt - showing strange characters for menu options and other places. I have carefully followed the 'Cleaning a corrupt install' instructions and re-installed but with exactly the same result. This is a huge problem for me as I cannot release my exe until this is sorted.

Hope someone can help please

Hope someone can help please
This is not a known issue with RB 19. Which edition of ReportBuilder are you installing? Have you tried RB 19.04 or RB 20? Are you able to try installing to a different machine?
Unfortunately the screen shot you posted is not displaying. Please email the attachment (as well as any others that may help with your setup) to
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors