procedure TForm2.ppPaintBox1Print(Sender: TObject);var lRect: TRect; lBitmap: TBitmap; lMatrix: TXForm;begin SetGraphicsMode(ppPaintBox1.Canvas.Handle, GM_ADVANCED); SetMapMode(ppPaintBox1.Canvas.Handle, MM_TEXT); //Rotate 90 degrees lMatrix.eM11 := 0; //Cos(n) lMatrix.em12 := -1; //Sin(n) lMatrix.em21 := 1; //-Sin(n) lMatrix.em22 := 0; //Cos(n) //New Top/Left (relative to the image) lMatrix.eDx := 0; lMatrix.eDy := ppPaintBox1.spWidth; SetWorldTransForm(ppPaintBox1.Canvas.Handle, lMatrix); lRect := Rect(0, 0, ppPaintBox1.spWidth, ppPaintBox1.spHeight); lBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try lBitmap.LoadFromFile('c:\temp\test.bmp'); ppPaintBox1.Canvas.StretchDraw(lRect, lBitmap); finally lBitmap.Free; end;end;
ReportBuilder does not natively support image rotation. We will consider adding this for a future release.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
This feature is still on our list of possible future enhancements. Thanks for the feedback.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Still on our list
One option would be to draw the image to the TppPaintBox canvas and perform a SetWorldTrasform to rotate the image. Something like the following...
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors