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can I bypass the seachParamersForm?

edited June 2003 in Server

I've been through the demo for custom parameters & I think I've missed the

I've compiled a server with a few reports on them before rev 7.02, so I used
BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate to create the dialog like so:

lAutoSearchField := RepRegular.CreateAutoSearchField('', 'IATA', 'ABTA',
dtString, soEqual, '12900001', True);
RepRegular.CreateAutoSearchField('', 'PAIDDATE', 'Sale Date
(Month/Day/Year)', dtstring, soBetween, lsDateExpression, True);

then I used OnGetAutoSearchValues like this to populate the TQuery

QueryNew.ParamByName('paramName').Value := lAutoSearchField.Value;
QueryNew.ParamByName('paramName').Value := lAutoSearchField.Value;

What I want to do is call a report directly bypassing report explorer and
the additional parameters needed to run the report.

For example:

IF you were to call the stand-alone report program using the command prompt
it would be like this: ProgName Date1 Date2 VendorNum Etc Etc

I would like to be able to build a full URL from the get go Like So:


My main problem with all reports, is they all have multiple imput params
like date range / vendor number etc.

I would like to be able to tell the web staff the full URL including
specialty params from the get go rather than populating a param page
controlled by the server.
The web people here want control of HTML/CFM files rather than letting me
populate the params boxes / fields for them using something liek this:

{the mySearchParameterForm.htm page contains tags that act as place holders
for the hidden input parameters and the search parameters.}
Result := StringReplace(Result, '<|WebModuleURI>',
rsWebTier1.WebModuleURI, []);
Result := StringReplace(Result, '<|HiddenParams>', lsContentParams, []);
Result := StringReplace(Result, '<|CompanySearchExpression>',
lsCompanySearchExpression, []);
Result := StringReplace(Result, '<|CompanyShowAllValues>',
lsShowAllValues, []);

Is there a way to do this IF I tell them what the param requirements are in
the first place?
I am already at the point where I can bypass the report explorer, but can't
seem to pass the extra params needed..

Thanks a lot,



  • edited June 2003

    Not sure that I understand the question.

    If you would like to build URL's that contain parameters that should work as
    long as you write the webmodule code to process the requests, including the

    There is really not much difference in submitting a URL or displaying a web
    param page that submits a URL when the user presses the submit button. On
    the WebBroker side it treated the same.

    The WebTier custom parameters example shows how to display custom html pages
    and then process the parameters submitted by the custom html pages.

    I think what you are saying is that you want to skip the "display custom
    html page" step and process the parameters submitted by a custom URL.
    Therefore you can ignor the html page building code (i.e. GetLoginPage,
    GetReportParametersPage, GetAutoSearchParametersPage) and implement code
    like that found in the process request code (i.e. ProcessLoginRequest,
    ProcessReportParameterRequest, ProcessAutoSearchRequest).

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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