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Some Source Code Examples for Graph Reports.

edited November 2001 in General

Can anybody help me how to create Graph reports by using TeeChart component
version (4).

Source code examples would be highly appreciated.


Nasir Mahmood


  • edited November 2001
    > Can anybody help me how to create Graph reports by using TeeChart

    I can give you some hints. Look at previous posts by me for source code.

    I seldom put a TppChart directly in a report. I normally put a TppImage into
    a report and populate the TppImage at run time. This allows for the graph in
    the program and the one in the report to be exactly the same. When I make
    changes to the chart in my program, or where I allow user customiation, I
    don't have to do the logic in the reports as well. Cuts down on code time.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited November 2001
    Thanks for replying....but let me explain my query more.....

    Basically i need to facilitate the end user with wizard based graph reports
    as what we r giving for text reports. So in this sceniaro we don't know how
    many reports user will create bcz it's up to the end user and approach of
    application will be dynamic. So by keeping one form with teechart component
    in the entire application would be sufficient for all reports or we would
    have to follow something different.

    Please advise me how we should design the application to provide wizard
    based graph reports?


    Nasir Mahmood

  • edited November 2001
    > Please advise me how we should design the application to provide wizard

    My preference: I wouldn't put the graphic directly in the report, I would
    put it in the program, and save teh graphic to a WMF and print it using a
    TppImage. That way you will only need one report. How you do the front end
    is up to you.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited November 2001

    Can u please send me some source code that how to create multiple seriese at
    run time in teechart component as well as how to assign query objects to
    those series.


    Nasir Mahmood

  • edited November 2001

    Can u please send me some source code that how to create multiple seriese at
    run time in teechart component as well as how to assign query objects to
    those series.


    Nasir Mahmood

  • edited November 2001
    > Can u please send me some source code

    No, but can post a sample here.

    This will create one series, you do the work for the rest.

    lLS: TLineSeries;
    lLS := TLineSeries.Create(self);
    lLS.ParentChart := Chart1;
    // and there you can define the rest of the properties

    The way to do the rest is create one at design time that you want to mimic,
    and hit alt-f12 on the form to look at the DFM. Find the series and look how
    the properties are defined.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM

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