Range Begin and Range End
I am using Delphi 5 Prof. on Win2K with Rbuilder 5.56. I have created a
report with several subreports and serveral datapipelines with master-detail
relationships. If I try to set the following for one datapipeline
ppDBPipeline3.RangeBegin := rbFirstRecord;
ppDBPipeline3.RangeEnd := reLastRecord;
I get this error message:
undefined identifier: 'rbFirstRecord'
The USES - clause includes the needed ppDB unit:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
ComCtrls, ExtPage, Grids, DBGrids, RzPanel, Buttons, RzButton, StdCtrls,
ExtCtrls, Mask, ToolEdit, ppDB, ppDBPipe, ppEndUsr, ppComm, ppRelatv,
ppProd, ppClass, ppReport, ppCtrls, ppVar, ppBands, ppStrtch, ppSubRpt,
ppPrnabl, ppCache, ppDevice, ppEngine, AdsData, AdsFunc,ADSSET;
What is wrong? I would be grateful for some help.
Heinz Kesten
I am using Delphi 5 Prof. on Win2K with Rbuilder 5.56. I have created a
report with several subreports and serveral datapipelines with master-detail
relationships. If I try to set the following for one datapipeline
ppDBPipeline3.RangeBegin := rbFirstRecord;
ppDBPipeline3.RangeEnd := reLastRecord;
I get this error message:
undefined identifier: 'rbFirstRecord'
The USES - clause includes the needed ppDB unit:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
ComCtrls, ExtPage, Grids, DBGrids, RzPanel, Buttons, RzButton, StdCtrls,
ExtCtrls, Mask, ToolEdit, ppDB, ppDBPipe, ppEndUsr, ppComm, ppRelatv,
ppProd, ppClass, ppReport, ppCtrls, ppVar, ppBands, ppStrtch, ppSubRpt,
ppPrnabl, ppCache, ppDevice, ppEngine, AdsData, AdsFunc,ADSSET;
What is wrong? I would be grateful for some help.
Heinz Kesten
This discussion has been closed.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors