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Narrowing down the problem

edited November 2001 in General
Ok, more info...upgraded from 5.0 > 5.2 > 6.03...nothing is working
correctly...when creating a report a run-time using Delphi 5, IB 6...here is
the sequence of events.

Using the report explorer.
New Report.

Data Tab.
File...New...Query Wizard.
One Table, 2 Fields, No Calc, No Group, No Criteria.

Preview Data = 39 Records.

Design Tab.
File...New...Report Wizard.
Select all fields.
Nothing...Nada...Nil...Zilch...No records, just a blank page, yet there are
39 records waiting to display.

Save the report.
Try to re-open it from the report explorer and get the following error.

"Error reading ppfield1.DataType : Invalid property value."

That's it...game over!

Anyone have any idea what's going on here. Ever since we tried to update
it's be downhill. That's why we were on such an old version. We were just
happy with what we had and figured we were safe.

Any suggestions would be helpful. This is really hurting the product and we
don't have a backup of version 5.0 to return to.



  • edited November 2001
    Do our end-user demos work for you with IB? I can run off this databse with
    no problem. Is there anyway I can reproduce this problem with the demo data

    What is the field data type that is causing the problem?

    If the data is previewed, then the SQL is correct. Check that the report is
    connected to the datapipeline from the Report | Data... menu.

    If you could send us a demo table to us to research what is happening in the
    report, we'd really appreciate it.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    Also, are you converting reports saved in the 5.0 format and converting them
    to 6.03, or 5.2 reports to 6.03?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    Did you add the JoinPipeline since 5.0...would this cause everything to go
    all loopy? Is there anyway around this???

  • edited November 2001
    Also, what is needed for the Join table??
  • edited November 2001
    Also, my sqltype is set to sql2, else, i get an sql error when trying to
    complete the query wizard...any reason i can't use bdelocal like in the
  • edited November 2001
    The JoinPipeline was added when with the addition of AutoJoin, which was RB

    You do not have to create and use the JoinPipeline, as the EndUser
    ReportExplorer demo project doesn't use it.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    The join table specifies the join relationships. The SQL script, which we
    provide to build the tables, should take care of setting up the join table
    for you specific database. Look in the ..\RBuilder\Demos\EndUserDatabases\


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    I should also add that the Datadictionary is used to manage the AutoJoins
    for the end users, via the Join table.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    What specific error do you get?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    General sql error...token unknown, line 115..., char 4, MEMBERS... this is
    the table name...i've tried it on several different tables..it is always the
    table name.

  • edited November 2001
    We generate different SQL for the different standards/flavors of SQL.
    Interbase likes the SQL2 standard. If you choose local or SQL1 you can get
    errors like the ones you are describing, from the Interbase server. Set the
    SQLType on the datasettings property to SQL2 and you should be ok. I ran
    you project on the installed 6.03 installation files.

    I downloaded your project and deleted your post from the newsgroup. In the
    future, just send it to support@digital-metaphors.com Thanks.

    I only change I made to your project was to add to the uses clause:


    I successfully connected to your sample database and created some reports
    and saved them down. I can't reproduce any problems where the report doesn't
    show data that exists in the DADE data previews. I can create, preview,
    save and then reopen reports made off of your database both in Delphi 5 and
    Delphi 6 with RB 6.03. I verified that my library path was only pointing to
    the installed ..\Dephi5\RBuilder\Lib directory. I even tried reinstalling
    RB 6.03 into Delphi 5, and the reports still worked. I'll continue
    researching this.

    Perhaps, give me an exact sequence of steps to reproduce the problem. Also
    include the table names and any select fields, search fields, sort fields...

    Basically, make sure that you have the SQLType set to SQL2 in the
    datasettings. Check this value at runtime in the DataSettings menu at the
    top of DADE's workspace.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.