Why does the DB Calc average like the following: .00214120370219462 1.15740767796524 Avg = .0010763889 How is it possible to come up with that number? I am using 6.03 on D5, all updates applied, Win 2000.
I read these two numbers in a JIT pipeline for a report based on these two numbers, and the dbCalc came up with an average of 0.5797744440833717, so the dbCalc is able to average on a simple case. Can you provide a demo to us that shows this calculation? support@digital-metaphors.com Something in the report layout must be causing the dbCalc calculation to fire for the first record twice instead of on both records.
My bad on this one. I had the dblabel showing the numbers only showing the part of the numbers. The second number actually looked like 1.15740767796524E-5 So Report Builder is doing it's job correctly.
numbers, and the dbCalc came up with an average of 0.5797744440833717, so
the dbCalc is able to average on a simple case. Can you provide a demo to
us that shows this calculation? support@digital-metaphors.com Something in
the report layout must be causing the dbCalc calculation to fire for the
first record twice instead of on both records.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
the part of the numbers. The second number actually looked like
So Report Builder is doing it's job correctly.
Thanks for the quick response,