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Best way to build Master/Detail Report

edited December 2001 in General
I'm new to RB, so bear with me...

I have a simple report. I'm listing items from an inventory. The items are
grouped by department. Typically, I would think of this as the department
being the master dataset, the items the details. When I set my datasets up
that way, though, and selected the departments as the primary data source
for the report (via Report | Data...), I had trouble getting a final total
value for all departments.

Now, I have changed my datasets so that the inventory items are the master,
and the departments are the detail (lookups, essentially). My output is what
I want.

I'm just trying to get my mind right about the best way to do reports like

Here's what I need:

Dept 1
Item 1 $3.00
Item 2 $2.00
Total $5.00

Dept 2
Item 3 $14.00
Item 4 $20.00
Item 5 $51.00
Total $85.00

Overall Total: $90.00

So, I'd like a recommendation as to the best way to design such a report.

Secondly, when a group header repeats on a subsequent page, is there any way
to add a short text string to it, like, " - continued"?


  • edited December 2001

    Welcome to ReportBuilder!

    Below is a list of resources for learning ReportBuilder. I strongly
    recommend spending some time with the Developers Guide and working
    through the tutorials therein. Spending some time up front will save
    countless hours and eliminate much frustration. :)
    Also spend some time looking at the Demos.

    There are tutorials for m/d and there is a demo that shows how to
    display "Continued..." when a group overflows (see dm0062.pas in

    Article: Resources for Learning ReportBuilder

    1. Learning ReportBuilder is a complete learning system designed to
    teach end users how to build a range of reports, but it is also an
    excellent resource for the developer who is just getting started with
    RB. Learning RB includes a 125-page PDF file, a stand-alone application
    complete with a database, and a help file. The PDF file contains a set
    of tutorials, which can be completed using the provided application.
    Learning ReportBuilder can be downloaded from:


    2. Developer's Guide

    When you install RB, this guide is automatically installed into the
    RBuilder\Developers Guide directory. It contains extensive conceptual
    information and step by step tutorials which show how to construct
    reports and reporting applications within the context of the Delphi IDE.

    3. On-Line Help

    Accessible via a single click of the F1 key from with the Delphi IDE,
    this reference resource explains the classes, methods, properties and
    events which make up the product. It is also an excellent source of
    information regarding installation, troubleshooting and version history.

    4. Examples

    There are a large number of example reports and reporting applications
    included with RB. These show how to accomplish some of the most
    frequently requested types of reports. In total there are probably over
    200 different examples covering everything from crosstabs to full-blown
    end-user reporting solutions. The RAP functionality included with
    ReportBuilder Enterprise has a separate set of demos, tutorials, and
    help files.

    5. news.digital-metaphors.com

    The newsgroups are very active with both Digital Metaphors engineers,
    TeamDM members (volunteers specially selected for their knowledge of RB
    and their willingness to help) and RB developers all pitching in to
    answer questions and help each other out. There is also a Tech Tips
    'newsgroup' maintained by DM Engineers which lists over 100 different
    articles outlining various tips and techniques. Probably the easiest way
    to connect to the newsgroups is to surf the digital metaphors site, go
    to the support section and click the newsgroup of your choice:


    6. support@digital-metaphors.com

    When you are working on the really advanced stuff, and need an
    additional point of view, we're always glad to help.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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