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Running totals keep doubling up when... (contd)

edited December 2001 in General

A couple of weeks ago I asked the following question:

I have a report which displays on two pages. Due to some complexities,
the grand total report is calculated by using variables within the report.
In summary, I have a group with calc variables which has a running total of
a variable that I have defined. Timing is set to calculate on the footer
end of the group. Then the grand total simply displays this. The first
time the report is run and I go to the second page, the total is correct.
If I go back to first page and then the second again, the grand total
doubles. If I do it again, it is tripled.

I didnt realise the report gets recaclulated once it has been created. Is
there a way to stop calculations once report has run for the first time,or
any other solution?

It was kindly suggested that I set Report.CachePages to True.

This appears to work on-screen however when I print the report to a printer
the grand totals double again, which makes the printed report wrong. Any


Alex Vasitch


  • edited December 2001

    If you use TppVariables to perform all calculations and set the calc
    timing correctly then the doubling up should not occur.

    If you would like to create a simple Delphi project that demonstrates
    the issue, perhaps using the DBDemos data, you can send to
    support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip format and we can check it out

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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