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Problems after Update from 6.02 to 6.03

edited December 2001 in General
I have deinstalled the ReportBuilder by exactly following the instructions
and installed RB again.

The problem persists.

The first time I call the TppReport.Print method the (DeviceType = dtScreen)
the PrintPreview is shown normal. After closing the PrintPreview and trying
to open it again the AV occurs.

Before calling the TppReprt.Print method we do the follwing:
- creating a variable amount of TIBQuery and TppDBPipelines dynamically
- TppReport.Template.ResetDevices
- TppReport.Template.Reset
- TppReport.Template.LoadFromFile
- TppReport.Printer.Initialize

Opening Datasets
- Setting AutoCreateFields of all TppDBPipeLines to True
- Open all Querys with Unidirectional-prop set to True

... then we call Print (ModalPreview is set to True)

after closing the PrintPreview we do the following
- close all Querys
- set AutoCreateFields of all TppDBPipeLines to False
- Free all dynamically created components (TIBQuerys and TppDBPipeLines)
- TppReport.ResetDevices
- TppReport.Reset

Debugging the code I've found the following snippet. The AV occurs when
calling "lDataPipeline.CheckLinkedData", "lDataPipeline.IsLinked".

{ TppDataPipeline.CheckDetailData }

function TppDataPipeline.CheckDetailData: Boolean;
liIndex: Integer;
lDataPipeline: TppDataPipeline;

if (FDetailPipelines = nil) or not(FDetailSkip) then
Result := True
Result := False;

{check all details, to see if any have data}
liIndex := 0;

while not(Result) and (liIndex < FDetailPipelines.Count) do
lDataPipeline := TppDataPipeline(FDetailPipelines[liIndex]);

// Here!

if (ppdaNoRecords in lDataPipeline.State) or
(lDataPipeline.IsLinked and (lDataPipeline.CheckLinkedData <>
0)) then
Result := True;



end; {function, CheckDetailData}


===============================END of MESSAGE =======================


  • edited December 2001

    A quick glance thru this e-mail and one thing pops out me. You are
    trying to use unidirectional datasets. Sorry, but ReportBuilder does not
    support unidirectional datasets. Try setting Query.Unidirectional to
    False and retest.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2002
    I've tested with setting Unidirectional-Prop of my DataSets to False, but
    the problem persists.
    To remind the AV occurs after closing the PreviewForm and opening it again.
    The first time I open the PrintPreview everything works fine. So I think the
    problem is caused by freed ressources that are accessed when I call Print

    Good to know that RB doesn't support Unidirectinal Datasets. Setting
    unidirectional to True was a workaround of an EOutOfMemory-Exception
    occuring when printing very large reports.

  • edited January 2002

    Sorry, but do not know what would cause this. Try to create a simple
    Delphi project that demonstrates this issue and e-mail to
    support@digital-metaphors.com. Then we can run it in the debugger.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.