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report explorer

edited December 2001 in General
which examples can i look at to see how the reportexplorer works?

I got multiple reports on a seperate form (which users can not see) and i
want the data like paper size to be customable, is that possible while using
the report explorer? I keep running into problems with different paper sizes
and I wanna get rid of those problems.

Thomas Los


  • edited December 2001
    Hi Thomas...

    I opted for a function re-scale the report before printing. After the user
    has selected the print dialog, I determin the selected paper size and
    re-scale the report accordingly. I designed all reports in A4, but they
    print fine in Letter, A3 or any other given format because of this.

    Here is an excerpt of the code that I use to do this:

    procedure TReportHandler.ScaleReport(Sender: TObject);
    var l: integer;
    ARep: TppCustomReport;
    if not (Sender is TppCustomReport) then exit;
    ARep := (Sender as TppCustomReport);
    with ARep do begin
    for l := 0 to BandCount - 1 do
    ScaleChildsWidth(Bands[l], (PrinterSetup.PageDef.mmWidth /

    procedure TReportHandler.ScaleChildsWidth(AParent : TppBand; ScalePercent:
    var i : integer;
    if ScalePercent = 1 then exit;
    for i := 0 to AParent.ObjectCount - 1 do begin
    if (AParent.Objects[i] is TppSubReport) then begin
    ScaleReport((AParent.Objects[i] as TppSubReport).Report);
    end else if (AParent.Objects[i] is TppPrintable) then
    with (AParent.Objects[i] as TppPrintable) do begin
    Left := Left * ScalePercent;
    Width := Width * ScalePercent;
    Width := Width - ((Width / 100) * 5); // Subract 5% of the width
    Top := Top * ScalePercent;
    Height := Height * ScalePercent;
    Font.Height := Round(Font.Height * ScalePercent);

    You don't need to scale the height of components, as they usally
    expand/subtract automaticly when a page is printed to fit the page.

    Hope that helps, Marco...
    Marco Heine
    Enterprise Compliance Management
    Visit our Website: www.qumas.com

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