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setting report units fails on larger than A4 reports

edited January 2002 in General

I used to build my reports in mm.
As I draw a scaled metafile on a ppReport.picture I have to know about the
amount of pixels per mm and work internally in screenpixels in stead of mm.
( otherwise Tcanvas.lineto works in PIXELS, but I get the left and width
properties from the ppcontrols in mm)

I resolved this in RB5.5 using:
ppreport1.units := utMillimeters; MMwidth := A_ppcontrol.width;
ppreport1.units := utScreenpixels; SPwidth := A_ppcontrol.width;
SPperMM := SPwidth/MMwidth;

This worked fine, but from RB6.02 All A3-reports fail (empty print-preview
and more than 100 pages in stead of one) but all A4-reports are still ok,
due to the fact that I set report1.units := utScreenpixels
So I can't touch the units-property anymore. I have a not so elegant
solution but at least it works:
ppreport1.columwidth := 100;
SPperMM := 1000 * ( ppreport1.spcolumwidth/ppreport1.mmcolumnwidth )
and I had to change my scalingroutine

As everything still works fine using A4 format, but every A3-report fails
(empty print-preview and more than 100 pages in stead of one) I wonder what
you changed. My applications depend a lot on A3 format reports (architects
drawings). So, what did you change in RBENT and what's wise ?



  • edited January 2002
    Can't say for sure what change we made which would have affected you're
    report, exactly.

    One step would be to try RB 6.03 on your reports. Send your full
    registration info to info@digital-metaphors.com for the upgrade link and

    You are getting infinite pages, most likely from at least one static height
    control isn't able to fit on any page. If you have static height controls
    in the report, then the quick soluton will be to reduce their height
    slightly until they fit on the page.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2002
    No, no too large static height controls. And no problems on A4 either. I'll
    try RB6.03 and let you know
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