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Problem with print preview

edited January 2002 in General
I have a few customers complaining that the report preview screen is not
being displayed maximised properly although it is set to be maximised. The
form appears to be sized correctly but i snot positioned in the center of
the screen and hence part of the report preview is dragged off of the
display. The strange thing is that when you use the system menu to try and
re-maximise the form the maximise option is greyed out. The only way to get
the form to maximise properly is to use the restore option first and then
maximise. This has been happening mainly on W95 machines. I am using
Delphi 5 update pack 1 with RB Enterprise 6.03 for development.

Has anyone else come across this problem or have a solution for it?


Turnkey Computer Technology Ltd.


  • edited January 2002
    Are you able to reproduce it on a Win 95 machine? Does it happen only with
    the RB Previewer, or does it happen with any other forms in your

    This should be the code to maximize and set the zoom of the previewer:

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
    TppViewer(ppReport1.PreviewForm.Viewer).ZoomSetting := zs100Percent;



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2002
    I have not seen it myself. But i have been sent seveeral screen dumps
    showing the problem. It seems to be only the report writer preview screen
    and the code i am using is the same as you documented in your reply.

    Any other ideas as to what this could be?


  • edited January 2002
    We don't have any other ideas on the cause of it. What you may be able to
    do is create you own RB replacement preview form and see if you can modify
    it to detect what the problem is? There is an example of replacing the
    preview form in the installed RBuilder tutorials. Another example is
    located at


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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